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  • Writer's pictureDeborah Kade

How Many Languages Can You Sing Happy Birthday In?

Today is Michael's birthday and he had Happy Birthday sung to him in 7 different languages.

The Adventure Guesthouse Team were so nice to purchase a Black Forest Cherry Torte birthday cake for Michael. Thank you for your generosity and friendship. Helena and Joli even sang. I forgot to take a picture of the cake when the candles were on. Wonder what his birthday wish was! 

Typically, Black Forest Cake consists of several layers of chocolate sponge cake sandwiched with whipped cream and cherries. It is decorated with additional whipped cream, cherries, and chocolate shavings. Traditionally, Kirschwasser, a clear alcoholic spirit made from sour cherries, is added to the cake. Other spirits are sometimes used, such as rum, which is common in Austrian recipes. 

German law mandates that any dessert labeled Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte must have Kirschwasser.

Since there is an extremely generous amount of alcohol in Michael’s cake, it's definitely a grown-up cake!!! 

One year, Michael and I learned how to make this cake at Sherly's Kitchen in Zürich. 

Michael usually likes to spend his birthday at the Old Swiss House in Luzern eating wienerschnitzel, but they are closed today and tomorrow. Instead, we are traveling to Gruyères to have Raclette, a favorite of ours. We took the train from Interlaken to Bern. Changed trains to one going to Romont. Changed trains for one going to Bulle. In Bulle, we took the bus to the Gruyères train station and then changed to a bus going way up the hill to the village. 

This is a different fondue holder.

The busiest in Gruyère has to be on Sundays. There were five tour buses in the parking lot, too.

What a super delicious, yummy, tasty……. late lunch of Raclette with bread, potatoes, gherkins, and pickled onions.

I enjoy it when the cheese browns and bubbles to get a crispy top.

We shared a bottle of Vully. The taste changes having it with the raclette. The wine is smoother.

The cheese and the Vully made my cheeks red. I love, love, love pepper so I usually have some stuck in my teeth after a meal.

For dessert, I had the fresh raspberries with Gruyères double cream. Yes, a spoon can stand upright or you can hold a spoon upside down and the cream won’t fall, as the cream is so very very thick. Michael had the same as I, but he also wanted a meringue. Our server's son's birthday is today, too, so she included a candle in the meringue.

The view from the village.

The symbol of Gruyères in flowers.

People walking down to the lower parking lot.

Bulle off in the distance

We decided to try a different route going home. The scenery was breathtaking! The snowcapped mountains are what everyone imagines when they think of Switzerland and today they were in their full glory. 

First of all, we took bus 260 from the village of Gruyères to Jaun.

We passed La Maison de Gruyère which is an exhibition dairy where you can watch Gruyère cheese being made.

Milk is delivered to the back of the building.

This must be a large ski area.

In Jaun, we changed to the 259 to Boltigen. We went through the Jaun Pass. Notice the sign is in four languages informing you the pass is open.

It was a one lane road full of hair pin turns. The bus left Jaun 8 minutes late, but we arrived at the Boltigen train station on time. WOW! It was a roller coaster ride for sure!!! The driver was fearless and approaching vehicles either stopped in place or tried to find a location to pull over to. I couldn’t stop smiling and laughing. It definitely was a Disneyland E ticket experience.

I can't imagine what this road is like in the Winter!!!!

In Boltigen, we caught the regional train to Spiez. On the way, we passed by the Niesen.

We had a short wait in Spiez; then traveled to Interlaken West by the regional train. 

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