I have a special and oh so adorable new buddy, Ruby!!! She loved having her picture taken. Ruby belongs to my friend, Rosie.
It's easy to see why these bow-legged, wrinkly-faced dogs are one of the most beloved canines in the United States. Rudy is such a beauty!
The bulldog has been around since the 1500's. The first reference to the word "Bulldog" is dated 1631 or 1632 in a letter by a man named Preswick Eaton.
The designation "bull" was applied because of the dog's use in the sport of bull-baiting.
"Bull baiting was a common blood sport in the United Kingdom from 1206 up until its inevitable banning in 1835. Bulldogs, which had been specially bred for the violent encounter, would creep low to the ground and attempt to bite the bull’s (or bear's, or horse's) nose. These tenacious dogs would hold on for dear life—often resulting in them being thrown into the air by the bull. Not surprisingly, many animals (and humans) suffered serious injuries and death during the course of this "sport." I just can't imagine this!

The bulldog might look fearsome, but there’s hardly a friendlier dog around! Bulldogs are very laid-back, easygoing dogs who love the companionship of people. They do great around children as well as other pets, including cats. Bulldogs are said to “hold their beauty,” meaning they look great as puppies and as seniors.

"Soldiers in the United States infantry were often called "Dog Faces" or "Dog Face Soldiers"—but the 3rd Infantry Division took this nickname to a new level by officially adopting a canine mascot and song. In 1965, the division commissioned Walt Disney to draw them a mascot. The result was Rocky the Marne Bulldog, which set the army back exactly one dollar. The single bank note was signed by the Major General and framed with a letter of thanks."
"Every year 3rd ID celebrates Marne Week as a venue to display the fitness, competitiveness, and esprit-de-corps of all Dog Face Soldiers and their families. In 2018, the Marne Division celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Battle of the Marne-the historic World War I battle where the division earned their moniker of the "Rock of the Marne."

"Thanks to their big heads and tiny backsides, bulldogs have a little trouble maneuvering in the water. Although some can swim, it’s best to keep an attentive eye on them in case they slip under."

"Bulldogs were, unfortunately, bred to be highly efficient bull baiting machines. Their stocky bodies were good for keeping them grounded against a bull's best efforts to launch them into the air, while their loose skin worked almost like a shield to protect their vital organs. Their face wrinkles served as channels, moving the blood down their faces and out of their eyes, and an undershot jaw pushed their bottom teeth up, giving them a better grip. Short snouts allowed them to breathe properly while holding onto a bull’s snout, and smaller back legs meant the dog could be shaken without sustaining any spinal injuries. In summary, the dog was an aggregate of bull-defeating features. Some said the dog barely even felt pain."
"Once bull baiting was banned in England, bulldogs were suddenly not needed. It seemed like this breed’s days were numbered, but lovers of the dog saw potential. Fanciers began to breed the dogs to have a kinder and gentler demeanor. Some bulldogs were brought to Germany and the United States, where they worked as herding dogs. Others stayed in England as companions."

Thirty-nine American universities use a bulldog as their mascot.

"Another result of the bulldog’s awkward biology is difficulty conceiving. Males have a hard time reaching the females, so to avoid unnecessary physical stress, breeders opt for artificial insemination.
The birthing process is also a bit of an ordeal thanks to the breed’s big heads and small birth canals. Since natural birth could cause injury or death, most bulldogs are born through C-section."

"Bulldogs are self-sufficient and determined, making them a lot more independent than others dogs. This confidence allows them to solve problems without looking at their owners for guidance, the way other breeds might."

"Not one, but two presidents had an affinity for the charmingly squat dogs. Calvin Coolidge had one named Boston Beans and Warren Harding had one named Oh Boy."
Ruby has the cutest tail.

A Bulldog is the official mascot of the United States Marine Corps, and many bases have their own mascot on base.

Ruby snores quite loudly!!!!

They don’t need a ton of exercise – a 15-minute walk around the block will have a bulldog ready for a snooze – and they really love to laze about. When they’re not stretched out in a sunbeam, snoring away, bulldogs can be found loyally following their favorite humans around. This is so true of Ruby.

The Bulldog Club (England) was formed in 1878, and the Bulldog Club of America was formed in 1890.

"England loves the bulldog; they're even considered the national breed. In fact, in World War II propaganda, England was frequently portrayed as a tough-looking bulldog (Germany, meanwhile, was a dachshund, and the United States was represented by an American pit bull). Winston Churchill was often called the “British Bulldog” thanks to his demeanor (and possibly also his looks). Despite the nickname, Churchill owned two poodles."

Bulldogs have characteristically wide heads and shoulders along with a pronounced mandibular prognathism. There are generally thick folds of skin on the brow; round, black, wide-set eyes; a short muzzle with characteristic folds called a rope or nose roll above the nose; hanging skin under the neck; drooping lips and pointed teeth, and an under-bite with an upturned jaw. The coat is short, flat, and sleek with colors of red, fawn, white, brindle , and piebald.

I just love my new friend!